Introduction: Researchers have found that using mesenchymal stem cell therapy for kidney failure is not very common due to low success rates after the cells are delivered through the body. They believe that giving the cells repeatedly through an artery might work better, but there isn’t a good method for doing this in rats. In this study, they created a new way to give stem cells into the main artery of rats with kidney failure.
Method: The scientists compared their new way of giving stem cells (called the “C group”) to the old way of injecting them through a vein in the tail (called the “V group”). They used special rats with a light-producing gene to track where the cells went after being given. They also tested if their new method was safe by giving stem cells to another group of rats every 7 days for a month.
Results: The new way of giving stem cells worked better at getting the cells into the kidneys compared to the old method. The new method stayed open and working for most rats (five out of six) for at least 9 days, with some lasting up to 24 days. Problems only started happening after 10 days.
Conclusion: The new method of giving stem cells through the artery was better at getting cells into the kidneys and allowed for multiple injections over time. This could be a promising new way to help treat rats with kidney failure using mesenchymal stem cell therapy.
This is a summary of article: Intra-arterial catheter system to repeatedly deliver mesenchymal stem cells in a rat renal failure model